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Welcome to Transforming Hypnotherapy where together we are transforming your life and are going on a


physically, mentally, emotionally

To be more confident. To utilise the limitless potential within you. To let go of the fear of flying or the dentist, to breathe and eat without any allergies. To live the happier, healthier and fuller life that you have always wanted.

Beata Kovacs


What can I help You with?


It is simple. With TRANSFORMATION. In a rapid way, supporting you to achieve long-lasting results.

Transformation might be just a small adjustment, like coping better with your everyday problems, or improving your performance and relationships.

RTT helps people break unwanted habits and to achieve extraordinary results, in business and sports, to increase focus and motivation, it improves overall wellbeing.

But Transformation can also help to resolve big issues: whether you have depression, anxiety, OCD, you want to quit smoking, you suffer from physical problems like migrane, IBS - or just want to let go of something.

With exceptionally high success rates in treating all kinds of mental, physical or emotional problems like weight control, low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and addictions, RTT has also seen incredible results for infertility, chronic pain, insomnia, fears, and phobias.


I am here to help you in a superfast, wonderfully effective and beautifully long-lasting way, in just 1-3 sessions.



If you are here, you have probably read self-help books, or even participated in psychotherapy sessions. Yet you feel that nothing has worked: you are still trying to manage your weight, get rid of anxiety, quit smoking or just run faster.


The reason for this is that the solution was only using your conscious mind. To find a root cause of a behaviour that created beliefs, thoughts that harmed you, or created obstacles to reach happiness, health, and feeling whole, you need to go deeper.


I use hypnotherapy, to help you, which is a safe but extremely powerful tool to go deep into your subconscious. I am delivering it in a form of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) which is a ground-breaking technique that can achieve extraordinary, permanent change in 1-4 sessions.


about Hypnosis

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about RTT

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Session structure

When you commit to the process, you can increase your self-confidence, can stop being indecisive, free yourself from anxiety, addictions, have positive effect on physical illnesses and live a better life.

During the session you will feel relaxed, you might even feel that you just had “just” had a discussion with closed eyes, but with the induction method, we assure that we do send the critical faculty to sleep so we can go deeper, and you “wake up” transformed. 

How do we do it? We need to work together. I need your commitment to participate in the process as that is how the transformation is guaranteed.

RTT session structure is helping to eliminate challenges in only 1-3 sessions


Discovery call

I offer a 20 mins free consultation where we can discuss any concerns or questions in your life you might have, or if you feel that there are any areas of your life that can be improved, liberated or transformed.


Intake form

After the call I will send you an intake form that is about the problem, that you want to solve but it also asks you to think about how your life would look like without the problem.


Session - regression & various techniques

At the session you go into hypnosis and then we use the 4I-s of RTT, as a main method:

Investigate, Interpret, Interrupt, Install.



After the session I give you a personalised recording, that you have to listen to at least for 21 days, as that is how long it takes the mind to wire in new beliefs and habits. The session will change you, but the recording is making sure that the change is permanent.


Follow up session or call

In order to assure that change has transformed your life in a way you desired and also to discuss any questions or further issues you might have, we will have a follow up discussion in 21 days. We can agree on and book further sessions if necessary.



Transforming Hypnotherapy reduces anxiety, help you in losing weight and change your life in just 1-3 sessions using hypnosis


Achieving Goals






Childhood Problems

Compulsive Behaviour



Eating Issues

Emotional Blocks


Enhancing creativity

Fears (Heights, Driving, Flying, Needles, Dentist, etc.)

Feeling not lovable or not enough


Health Issues

Improve Memory, Focus, Concentration

Lack of Connection


Money Block/Issues


Pain Control

Panic Attacks



Public Speaking

Premenstrual Mood Issues


Rest & Relaxation



Stopping self-sabotage

Skin Problems

Sleep Problems


Sports Performance


Success Blocks

Trauma: Unresolved, from your past Weight Management

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If you don't see your concern on the list, please enquire.

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Sales improvement

Presentation – public speaking skills

Turbocharging Motivation

Self-confidence for better sales

Mental health at the workplace (e.g. burnout)


Stop smoking

Weight Control


Block clearing (e.g. money blocks, carreer blocks)


Some problems, such as pain or morbid obesity, physical illness, may require a medical referral. or approval For clients seeking my help, who suffer from severe depression or another mood disorder, I require a referral from a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, or clinical psychologist. I always respect the role of that therapist as your primary caregiver ,who sanctions in writing my role as an adjunct therapist. Hypnotherapy does not substitute medical care. To treat specific problems a GP approval and permission might be necessary.



I use Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), a therapy developed and fine-tuned over thirty years by world-renowned therapist Marisa Peer. It combines the most effective principles of Hypnotherapy, NLP, Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to bring unparalleled results in one to three sessions.

I am combining her method with the methods and teachings of a hypnotic Stormrider, Mike Mandel from Toronto, Canada. I learned therapeutic hypnosis  with  Dan Jones, Scott Jansen es Kain Ramsay(The Academy of Modern Applied  Psychology)  as well.

It regresses back to the root cause, to give you the revelatory (Aha) - moment of “That’s why” thus true freedom...


Hypnosis is a natural state of the mind; a heightened state of awareness, where the subconscious mind is more open to discoveries, suggestions and healing.

We are in hypnotic state during many activities in our daily life: when we are walking/driving on autopilot, watching  TV or when are about to sleep, or just waking up.


Hypnosis is not sleeping: it is only a sleep only of the nervous system. It is an altered state, it helps you process information differently. It allows your conscious mind to float away, so we can process information through our subconscious mind, not through our thinking mind. This allows us to go deep, to discover and change beliefs.


In the session and when doing self-hypnosis, you are always in control, you are fully aware of what is happening around you. Hypnosis though helps us to discover the root cause, the belief/perception that is behind the problem, to interrupt a pattern, to let it go, and to wire in new powerfully positive beliefs. This is a true transformation, which will permanently prevent unhelpful beliefs from limiting our lives in the future.


When you are open to this process, it is a very powerful form of therapy, that has, in many cases, an immediate effect. To change, we need more than willpower and logic, we need to connect with the subconscious mind, because it is the subconscious mind that filters everything that is happening to us, how we act/react based on previous experiences, so we go deeper to access it.


It is the rule of the mind, that your mind does what you tell it to do, and when you give it positive suggestions, your mind has no other choice but to work towards them.


Hypnotherapy works brilliantly on every channel: it is as powerful when delivered online as when we sit in a face to face session, because it is the activation of your own subconscious mind by using the special RTT methodology and toolset.

Hypnosis is a powerful way to change your life rapidly


RTT is a supercharged, boosted therapy as it combines the best elements of various methodologies:

Transforming Hypntotherpay is transforming your life instantly using hypnosis and other advanced therapy tools
  • Rapid: Is effective instantly or in in 2-3 sessions. The change is happening during the session, but in order to wire in the change, the Client has to listen to a personalised audio recording for 21 days.


  • Transformational: As we are finding a belief, identifying a non-beneficial pattern, and by using interruptions and positive suggestions, breaking it during the session, the effect is long lasting, absolutely transformational and liberating. The belief that was holding you back or causing illness, is gone, so your life is transformed forever, you can never go back to a previous state. We are rewiring your brain, wiring in new and desired beliefs using the neuroplasticity of the brain.


  • Therapy: Using hypnosis to effectively discover the root-cause of a problem and to ensure a long-lasting effect, to break patterns and heal from emotional and physical issues. We are using methodology from various therapy-types (e.g. cognitive behavioural therapy) as well as NLP.

If you would like to know more about RTT or what an RTT session with me involves, click here, 

and here to see what I can help you with.


I am combining RTT with NLP and other hypnosis tools in order to assure the most effective and long-lasting results.

RTT & Hypnotherapy

RTT is more effective and has faster effect than a traditional hypnotherapy. Traditional hypnotherapy session has 2 parts: induction & convincers followed by suggestions. While this is very effective, it’s still working more on rewriting the story, without looking deeper into the understanding.
RTT in one session is using various interventions methods to get to and understand the root cause and reframing, that is changing the way of how Client looks at a situation and themselves, before delivering positive suggestions. We are actually cleaning the soil before planting new seeds into it.

The founder of RTT

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is created by Marisa Peer, a world-famous hypnotherapist.

Marisa has used her vast 30 years experience and packaged it into this powerful methodology.

Learn more about Marisa here, from her motivational speeches:

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Stage and Leaves


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About Me

Hpnotherapy and hpynosis are the among the most effective therapies, therapeutic tools
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I have been looking for a therapy which is fast, which will create immediate changes in your life so that problems can be seen from a different perspective and I have found RTT.
I am a graduate in clinical psychology and I was continuously searching for an alternative to talking therapies.


I studied Integrated Art & Dance Therapy, which provides a unique way of solving problems, but its still requires lot of time and effort to discover root causes. During my studies I worked as a supporting staff on the  Psychiatric Ward of the Refugee Hospital in Debrecen, Hungary.

In additions to my main specialisation of Clinical Psychology, I have also studied the psychology of dreams, fairy tales, and non-verbal communication in order to find the ultimate methodology that I truly believed in to change YOUR life.


I have across a book that utterly fascinated me (Watczlawik Change: Principles of Problem Formation and Problem Resolution), which talks about a rapid form of therapy which initiates a second-order change (in a system), that points towards the pattern, to break the pattern of the system and causes an immediate change, a healing, in one session. 


I discovered RTT: the perfect methodology which uses hypnosis to find the root cause of our problem and by breaking the existing patterns and beliefs, causes and immediate, rapid instant change and transformation. 


As well as  RTT, I’ve studied NLP; I am studying at the Hypnosis Academy of Mike Mandel (Toronto, Canada), completed courses about the Silva System, The Laws of Attraction, Storytelling and various hypnosis related courses. As a lifelong learner, and someone who 100% believes in hypnosis.

I also have a Masters-level degree in Economics, specialised in marketing and hold a Digital Marketing Diploma from the Digital Marketing Institute. I was dancing in my whole life, performing for 25 years on stage in various styles, including Bharata Natyam, a Classical Indian dance and commercial jazz. I love Marathon running and long-distance running.

Beata Kovacs - Certified Hypnotherapist
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Image by Michael Mims

A kezdetekben volt egy kis aggodalom bennem, hogy bármiféle kontrolvesztett állapotba kerülhetek de Beáta nagyon kedves és türelmesen válaszolt minden kérdésemre még az ülés elÅ‘tt. Végig biztonságban éreztem magam mellette. A problémát, ami miatt felkerestem sikeresen megoldottuk. Nagyon sokat segítettet a kapott hanganyag, amit nagyon szerettem hallgatni, már alig vártam a nap végét, hogy újból hallgathassam. Beáta nagyon felkészült, empatikus és türelmes volt velem végig a közös munkánk során. Ne habozzatok felkeresni Å‘t és segítséget kérni tÅ‘le, mert hihetetlen mértékű minÅ‘ségi életjavulást tudtok elérni.

Image by Sigmund

I had a colonoscopy that I was scared of but did not want to be sedated. I asked Beata to prepare me for the procedure with a recording. She created a hypnosis recording, where she taught my body to relax and how to minimise pain or discomfort and at the same time prepared me to be calm, relaxed, confident, and happy. Due to the hypnotic recording the procedure was painless, extremely short and smooth - even the nurses were surprised at how relaxed I was, how easy the procedure was and it took only 12 minutes with 1-2 seconds of a feeling of discomfort. I would absolutely recommend Beata if you need help to prepare for a procedure. And the recording was nice and pleasant to listen to.






including discovery call, session

and personalised recording, follow up call

GBP 350



including session

and personalised recording

GBP 270



including session

and personalised recording

GBP 199

In most cases, with less complicated issues, one session is enough.

In case you are suffering from long standing and special issues* (e.g. anxiety, depression) three sessions are recommended.


*Hypnotherapy supports but does not substitute medical care. In case of specific issues a GP permission and approval is necessary.



up to 5


GBP 160




GBP 130


above 11


GBP 115


Please enquire for details.

Image by Jazmin Quaynor


  • What is hypnosis?
    Opinions vary on the exact definition of this natural state of mind. First of all, contrary to what many people believe, hypnosis is not always a trance state or a sleep state, even though a person in hypnosis may appear to be sleeping. Hypnosis is really natural state of mind and is an important part of everyday life. Whenever our mind wanders, daydreams or is focused on something, such as reading a book, driving a familiar route, watching a film we are in a state of hypnosis. Brain scans on people who are in hypnosis state show that brain wave activity moves from a Beta state to an Alpha state, and sometimes a Theta state. This is not dissimilar to the pattern of brain activity during meditation.
  • How does hypnosis feel?
    In hypnosis you feel relaxed, it’s a very pleasant state. Your body is relaxed, even your neck muscles get loose. You have a beautiful inward focus. Your conscious mind is drifting away, might even sleep, but your subconscious mind is active and participating, listening and taking in everything. Is hypnosis real? There is a lot of research about hypnosis, check them out here: first second third fourth fifth sixth
  • Can I be hypnotised?
    Everyone can be hypnotised, given that this is a natural state of mind and our body knows the state very well. If hypnosis is natural, why do we need hypnotherapists? A Hypnotherapist is guides you on the way, and has efficient toolset to support the work of your subconscious mind in order to achieve the required transformation.
  • Can I be forced to do things I do not want in hypnosis?
    Hypnosis is not mind control, no one can force you to do or say things in hypnosis that you don’t want. Your values, ethics, principles are all present and you are in control.
  • Why choose RTT?
    RTT is integrating various types of hypnotherapies and is combining them into a method with which the transformation in rapid and permanent.
  • What happens in a first session?
    In the first session, we have a conversation about the intake form, your required results, and then we do go into hypnosis, and by using various methods we change beliefs, views, viewpoints.
  • Why choose hypnotherapy?
    Many clients who come for hypnotherapy have tried other forms of counseling to resolve their emotional, physical, or behavioral problems. Typically, they have gained greater understanding about what triggers their problems and how their problems adversely impact their health, self-image, relationships, career, finances, and other aspects of their lives. Nevertheless, they still seek professional help that goes beyond just talking about their issues and goals. They want to resolve their problems, so they can start living happier, more fulfilling lives. Hypnotherapy attracts clients who are looking for therapeutic tools and techniques to effect positive change in a relatively short period of time. . In 2007, for example, the American Health Magazine compared psychoanalysis, behavior therapy, and hypnosis to determine the efficacy of hypnosis treatments. The results indicated: Patients treated with Psychoanalysis reported a 38% recovery after 600 sessions Patients treated with Behavior Therapy reported a 73% recovery after 22 sessions Patients treated with Hypnosis reported a 93% recovery after 6 sessions.
  • Can multiple issues be dealt with at one session?
    Issues (unless they are rooting from one cause) should be dealt with separately, we have to take one step at a time otherwise the mind gets confused and we do not reach the required result.
  • Who gets results?
    Everyone who wants to change.
  • Can hypnotherapy work effectively online?
    It is absolutely effective online, as in hypnosis we can reach the subconscious mind, and that is independent of the communication channel.
  • What happens after the session?
    You have to listen to the recording for 21 days. I will be in touch after 21 days with a follow up call to discuss the progress and decide whether further sessions are needed.
  • How many sessions I need?
    It depends on how long do you have the issue and how severe it is or what is the goal that you would like to achieve.
  • Why do I have to listen to the recording for 21 days?
    In the session we install new beliefs, behaviour but it takes 21 days for the mind the wire in the change, to create new habit.


Leaves Shadow


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