Weight Management
We offer you a Weight Management Session flow where we discover all your beliefs, find and remove the obstacles that are hindering you to achieve your ideal weight - NOW.
Weight Management Protocol
Weight Management Protocol is a 4 weeks series of sessions, where we build all the resources that you need for this wonderful state you want to achieve.
Achieve the state where you can keep your ideal weight forever.
We explore the most important blocks that holds you back from change, and we unveil all the different aspects during the sessions.
It helps you to keep you motivated and observe the change.
Sessions are 60-120 minutes, and are done in every 7-10 days*.
1. Transform Unhelpful Beliefs
Finding out what beliefs you have about weight and management of weight, that effect your behaviour and lead to the problem. We install fantastic new beliefs and resource state, that will help you achieve the wonderful state that you are aiming. Start to think about now: what would you rather believe in place of the beliefs you used to believe?
2. Building Stellar Self-Confidence
Most of the time any kind of eating problem being it binge eating or overating is connected to us feeling not enough or lacking self-confidence. We want to fill the void we fill with food. We are working together towards a new, self-confident you that will have the ideal weight.
3. Support Physical Changes - Metabolic rate
Metabolism is the way your body is utilising energy. Metabolic rate is important to work efficiently and optimally, that is the best for you. We are going to work with your subconscious mind to cooperate to set the processes that work towards managing your bodyweight in an optimal way and are healthy and ecological for you.
4. Support Physical Changes - Food cravings
We tend to crave foods that are not good for us- salty or sweet food. We find out what the problematic foods are for you, and work on decreasing the craving towards for you. Changing our attitude to certain foods that are the best for us (our subconscious mind knows it well) is one of the most powerful transformation that we initiate in the sessions and will have support your life and have amazing effect in your everydays.
The order of the sesssions depends on the presenting state.
You will have a personalised recording in order to make sure changes are wired in your brain.
Download the ebook with more information about the methodology and tips, that you can start to utilise today, here:
* In case youhave an underlying condition, doctor’s approval might be needed.
EUR 360
einschließlich Entdeckungsgespräch, Sitzung und personalisierte Aufzeichnung, Folgegespräch
GROUP SESSIONS (min. 3 participants)
GBP 300
including discovery call, 4 session
and personalised recording(s)